
Getting Leads With Performance Marketing

In the realm of all things digital and AI, it’s easy to think that you can just spend some money and run a bunch of ads online, and potential clients will come knocking on your door. If it were that easy, then everyone would be doing it. So why aren’t they?

Before you decide where online you want to run your ads, you have to first ask yourself whether you’re even ready to run ads at all. A thorough and holistic understanding of the various aspects of performance marketing alongside a strategic crafting of a plan are needed.

What is performance marketing? It is in essence like an exquisite dish at a Michelin-starred restaurant. Each marketing aspect is an ingredient measured out and used in just the right quantity to elicit a unique taste in one’s mouth. Just as no five-star restaurant’s menu is the same, no marketing strategy is the same either.

Performance marketing consists of seven different aspects: Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Affiliate Marketing, Social Media, Email Marketing, Couponing, Display Media, and Search Engine Advertising (SEA). Each ingredient has its own strength, power, and use. Each is applicable to any one business differently. And these ingredients do not need to be launched at the same time.

That’s where the tricky part comes in. A marketing strategy is a careful weighing of budget and ability measured against a business’s end game. Here’s how you can use performance marketing to your advantage:

  1. Have a deeper understanding of each aspect of performance marketing
  2. Understand the habits and purchase patterns of your customers
  3. Decide on a budget and timeline
  4. Plan out your strategy by combining the aspects of performance marketing that are relevant to your target audience’s purchasing patterns and that fit your budget and timeline

Perfecting your performance marketing strategy paves the way to begin filling the very top of your sales funnel.

Ready to take the next step?

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